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Divorce & Family Law
When confronted with divorce or other family law issues, there are many things you will need to consider. Often time’s individuals are faced with the impending upheaval of family life and possible change of financial situations. During these challenging times, I can offer needed counsel to assist you in your time of distress. I have the skills and knowledge to effectively assist my clients with a number of domestic and family law issues, including divorces that may involve alimony/spousal support, child custody, child support or visitation issues.
Dealing with divorce or other family law issues can be hard and it is important that you feel that you can establish a trusting relationship with your attorney. My firm understands how vital the attorney-client relationship is to the outcome of your case, so it is my mission to choose clients whom I feel that I can connect with. My knowledge and skills allow me to meet the specific needs of the client crafted especially for their situation. My firm can handle your case in or outside of the courtroom. You can trust that my firm will be dedicated to handling your family law issue with care. Please call me at (910) 225-5242 to schedule your free consultation today!
Handling all of your Divorce and Family Law Issues:
- Separation Agreement
- Uncontested Absolute Divorce
- Name Change
- Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Cases
Traffic Tickets
Often, when an individual is ticketed for speeding and other traffic violations, they wrongfully assume that their only option is to pay the fine, or plead guilty to the citation in court. Pleading guilty, or waiving your appearance in court by paying the fine could have serious consequences for your driving record, and cause a dramatic increase in your vehicle insurance.
Before you pay a traffic ticket or plead guilty in court, learn about your rights and options. Contact me at The Law Office of Keosha Hunt, P.L.L.C. I can explain how paying the fine or pleading guilty may affect your driving privileges. If fighting the charges is a better option, I can represent you. Please call me at (910) 225-5242 to schedule your free consultation today!
Fighting A Ticket May Protect Your Driver’s License!
Where you ticketed on I-95? I represent individuals charged with traffic violations in North Carolina, whether they are residents, or traveling from out of state. My firm has helped many clients fight tickets they received while driving on the interstate.
If I handle your citation by waiver, it may be possible for you to avoid the inconvenience, embarrassment, and lost wages caused by coming back to this area for a court appearance. In some cases, I may be able to appear in court on your behalf. It may be possible for me to handle all the necessary paperwork via mail, fax, email and telephone.
Contesting a traffic ticket can help you avoid increased auto insurance premiums and driver’s license point assessments. Points are added to your driving record each time you are ticketed. Accumulating 12 points in three years may result in a license suspension. Another eight points within three years following the reinstatement of your license can result in a second suspension.
I can help you with all traffic violations and related charges, including:
- Driving 10 and 20 mph over the speed limit
- Speeding in excess of 55 mph
- Reckless driving
- Driving on a suspended or revoked license (DWLR)
- And many other traffic violations
Although we don’t like to think about it, death is inevitable. Everyone needs a Last Will and Testament before this fatal time comes. A last will and testament allows you to compile and dictate your last wishes. Having a will ensures that your family or any other person you designate can carry out your funeral wishes as you desire. It also allows you to distribute your estate in whatever divisible manner you see fit.
In the absence of a will, the state of North Carolina will make these decisions for you. The state can also decide the fate of your minor children. Do you really want this to happen?
The Law Office of Keosha Hunt, P.L.L.C can make it possible for you to maintain control over your estate affairs. By letting me prepare your last will and testament, the client is able to let their desires be known to family and to designate someone to act on their behalf in carrying out their last wishes once they are no longer here. Having a last will and testament can spare your loved ones great hardship and stress during what will already be a difficult time.
Let me assist you with your estate planning matters to save you time and ensure that your last wishes are preserved. Please call me at (910) 225-5242 to schedule your free consultation today!

Power of Attorney
A power of attorney is a document that allows you to designate someone to make decisions on your behalf. In the event that you are unable to make decisions on your own, your designated agent will have the authority to make these decisions for you. If you decide to give someone a power of attorney over your matters you should have the document recorded in your local county recorder’s office.
However, this document does not last indefinitely. You decide when your power of attorney ends. Also, this document terminates upon your death. This means that the power of attorney can’t give your agent the authority to handle matters after your death (e.g., making funeral arrangements, paying debts, or distributing property). These matters should be addressed in your last will and testament.
Your power of attorney can be revoked at any time, as long as you are mentally competent. Your revocation should be in writing, signed by you in front of a notary public, and delivered to the agent and any third parties with whom your agent has been in contact with on your behalf. If you chose to have your power of attorney recorded at your county recorder’s office, you should also record the revocation in that same office.
If you decide that you need a power of attorney don’t hesitate to contact The Law Office of Keosha Hunt, P.L.L.C. I can draft your power of attorney to ease the process and ensure that your agent only has the authority to make decisions on your behalf that you choose. Please call me at (910) 225-5242 to schedule your free consultation today!
Health Care Power of Attorneys
Most people don’t like to spend time thinking about what would happen to them if they become incapable of making decisions regarding their own medical care due to illness, advanced age, or an unexpected accident. However, if you fail to plan out these important matters by writing down your wishes about the kinds of treatment you do or don’t want to receive and naming someone you trust to oversee your care, these choices may be decided by family members, doctors, or sometimes even courts, who may know little to nothing about what you would prefer.
Essentially, a power of attorney for health care is a document that allows you to detail your wishes for medical care. Our law firm strongly advises clients to have this document in place. This document allows you to specify your wishes for health care in the event that you become unable to direct these decisions yourself. This document allows you to designate someone you trust to be your health care agent to make any necessary health care decisions for you and to see that doctors and other health care providers give you the type of care you wish to receive.
It is important to note that this document only takes effect if your doctor determines that you lack the capacity to make your own health care decisions. Basically, this means that this document will only come into effect if your doctor determines that you can’t understand the nature and consequences of the health care choices that are available to you and you are unable to communicate your own wishes for care, either orally, in writing, or through gestures.
By no means does this document give your agent the authority to defy what you want in terms of treatment. As long as you are capable of dictating your own medical care, you will have the ability to do so. And in the event you no longer have the ability to make these decisions regarding your health care, your agent must always act in your best interests and diligently try to follow any health care wishes you’ve conveyed in your health care declaration or otherwise.
Your durable health care power of attorney remains effective only as long as you are alive, unless you specifically revoke your documents or a court becomes involved and revokes the agent’s authority for some reason.
The Law Office of Keosha Hunt, P.L.L.C. can help you in writing down your wishes for your health care power of attorney to ensure that these important decisions are not left in the wrong hands. Please call me at (910) 225-5242 to schedule your free consultation today!
Speak with Our Professionals Now
The Law Office of Keosha Hunt, P.L.L.C.
Attorney at Law
Get in Touch
319 North Elm Street, Lumberton NC 28358
(910) 225- 5242
Monday 8:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–3PM
Thursday 8:30AM–3PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed